What is gun control?
According to the site called Dictionary.com, the word gun control means "government regulation of the sale and ownership of firearms".The term "gun control" refers to any legal action taken to forbid or restrict the ownership or use of weapons, particularly firearms (Kavi,2023). (In a larger historical sense, the phrase also refers to restrictions on the ownership or use of other weapons, including some that date back before the discovery of gunpowder.) The majority of industrialised nations have tough and uncontested firearms laws. In other places, it is a contentious political issue that pits those who see it as vital for maintaining public safety against those who see it as a risky restriction on personal freedom.Nowhere in the world is gun control more contentious than in the United States, where the right to bear arms is constitutionally protected but where gun-related homicides, including mass shootings, are incredibly common. Of developed nations, the United...